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1 room apartment in Wien - 23. Bezirk - Liesing, furnished, temporary
General information
A nice quiet 1 room apartment next to U6 Alterlaa
1 person max., families with children welcome, smoking in apartment not allowed
Energy certificate
Not yet available
Rental deposit
by arrangement
Price and Availability
EUR 780.- per month
Heating, electricity, water incl.
Plus 3.2% local tax if rental period is short (up to 3 months).
from July 1, 2025 to September 1, 2025
Balcony / Terrace / Garden
1 balcony
Kitchen equipped for 1 person
separate kitchen
Usable residence with a usable area of at least 30 m²
Minimum furnishings: Bedroom, kitchen/kitchenette, entrance hall, WC, contemporary bathroom facilities (bathing area/bath), central or floor heating or equivalent stationary heating and water heating system.
Attention: WC and bathing area must contain either a window or an extractor fan – otherwise, the residence is classified as category C
Criteria for furnishing category B
Residence in usable condition, no minimal usable area
Minimum furnishings: Bedroom, kitchen/kitchenette, entrance hall, WC, contemporary bathroom facilities (bathing area/bath), heating and water heating system
Attention: WC and bathing area must contain either a window or an extractor fan – otherwise, the residence is classified as category C
Criteria for furnishing category C
Residence in usable condition
Minimum furnishings: Water supply and an indoor WC
Criteria for furnishing category D
Residence that has either no indoor WC or no indoor water supply.
A residence with the features of a higher category but which is not usable should also be assigned to Category D